Profil użytkownika kevin-jagernauth
Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)
A valiant attempt to build on the magic of “The Wizard Of Oz,” and while it certainly doesn’t diminish the standing of that movie, Sam Raimi’s film provides proof that the more we know ab...
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Warm Bodies (2013)
Playing with genre is fine, but if you're going to create new rules, you have to play by them too, but unfortunately Warm Bodies continually subverts its own internal logic and basic, bel...
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The Impossible (2012)
i 1 inne zdjęcie
The Impossible strikes an insincere tone, one that doesn't let the obviously powerful moments stand on their own, but instead follows the beautiful Hollywood stars to safety, while the re...
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Heleno (2011)
The movie is basically The Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Mad Man, but don't be shocked if you find yourself asking just what art he was practicing in the first place.
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Rust and Bone (2012)
By the picture's knotty finale, in which Audiard navigates a late-stage twist with ease and emotion, you know you are in the hands of a master who is directing with the confidence and com...
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The Silver Linings Playbook (2012)
An enormously entertaining, crowd-pleasing winner from the director whose comedic edge has never been sharper.
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A Man's Story (2010)
A fascinating look at the juggling act of a man who is succeeding in public, but still trying to find the answers in private.
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A Late Quartet (2012)
The trio (Hoffman/Keener/Walken) give top shelf performances as we've always come to expect from them in A Late Quartet. But it's just too bad that they're in service of Yaron Zilberman's...
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Fun Size (2012)
Aiming for a trifecta of small kids, their older sisters and parents in the audience, Fun Size fails them all in a movie that is neither a trick nor a treat.
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Cloud Atlas (2012)
Too long by at least a half hour, and both dull and repetitive as it goes on, Cloud Atlas reaches for envelope-pushing storytelling but never delivers on its promise.
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